Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Go away,
Go away;
I beg you go away;

My treasure has all depleted,
I have nothing to give now;

Go away,
Go away,
I beg you go away;

My memories are all lost,
I have nothing to loose now;

Go away,
Go away,
I beg you go away;

I am all alone, all alone;
I have no one close now,

Go away,
Go away,
I beg you go away;

Don’t drown me any more,
I am already at the bottom;

Go away,
Go away,
I beg you go away;


Execute me…..


Deepak Vyas said...

Godgiri macha raha hai be tu to .....


Anonymous said...

cool... be touching...

Anonymous said...

add me in your fan list....

Anonymous said...

touching peice
well the repetitive words put a gud effect
suggestion-- dont repaet the same words throughout
try repeating 3 or 4 group of words
like in some lines "go far" and in some " leave me 'lone"
like this ok it would be more effective that way
take care buddy
luv u